Welcome to HRCB

Human Rights Consultancy Botswana (HRCB) is a consulting firm founded by two Batswana women. HRBC is committed to protecting and promoting human rights and as adopted by the United Nations 2030 Agenda, we will play a critical role in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through the design and delivery of our services.

We focus on delivering expert legal and policy advice to the government, non-governmental organizations, national human rights institutions…

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Why Work With HRCB

HRCB team has a wide knowledge in human rights issues that are currently affecting the world in which we live. We have the innate ability to communicate even the most complex subject matter in an easy-to-understand style. The team’s cumulative expertise (local and international) helps to bring together wealth of diverse experience, approaches, perspective and solutions.

HRCB offers professionalism, comprehensive field knowledge and readiness to go an extra mile. Professionalism guides our quality assurance process and level of service delivered with every project.

HRBC stays current to all human rights changes – so you don’t have to. Human rights have continued to evolve and since its foundation, the United Nations has adopted more than 20 principal treaties including conventions to prevent and prohibit abuses.

HRCB does not just offer services and hope that they solve your problem. We take time to listen to your problems and challenges and find the best way to solve them with you and our strategic partners. The partnerships are a key aspect of our work, and where necessary, we draw from these relationships and collaborate to diligently execute projects.


HRCB provides consultation and undertakes work on short and long term contracts to provide subject matter expertise and strategic advice on a range of equity, diversity, inclusion and human rights related projects.< Read More >

HRCB provides human rights training and interactive educational workshops tailored to your institution’s environment and needs. < Read More >

HRCB provides consultation and undertakes work on short and long term contracts to provide subject matter expertise and strategic advice on a range of equity, diversity, inclusion and human rights related projects. < Read More >


Human Rights are the basic rights and freedoms that belong to every person in the world from birth till death regardless of their gender, sexual orientation, religion, nationality and other status.

Human Rights include the Right to life, Liberty, Personal Security, Right to education, Right to equality, Right to health, Freedom from discrimination, Freedom from torture and Degrading treatment, Right to asylum in other countries from persecution. These rights can never be taken away although they can sometimes be restricted – For example if a person breaks the law or in the interest of national security.

Human Rights are based on shared values like humanity, respect, dignity, equality and fairness. In Botswana, human rights are mainly protected under the Constitution and other pieces of legislation (Acts)

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